Bridge Component Gallery
More coming soon!
This is a multi-acre gallery, which includes full-scale bridge structures, portions of complete structures, and individual components, with a host of common and uncommon details used in steel bridges. Similar centers exist for the aircraft, ship, and offshore industries, though nothing had previously been developed for the steel bridge industry.
The S-BRITE Center BCG provides unique hands-on education for professional engineers, inspectors and students like no other facility in the world. For example, imagine having several portions of the I-35W Bridge from Minneapolis available for training on failure investigation, or other large structural components removed from service that can be used for education of students (university and K-12), engineers, and inspectors from around the country. The Gallery provides this experience for individuals of all levels regarding steel fabrication, deterioration, inspection techniques, etc. In addition, the S-BRITE Center utilizes Purdue's existing state-of-the-art training facilities so that professional training, as well as graduate and undergraduate courses can be conducted. Construction of Phase I was substantially completed in December of 2014.
Since the bridge components are not actually in service and are in more accessible conditions, costly traffic control and extensive fall-protection is not required during training. However, they are being situated so that real-world conditions exist to truly simulate in-situ inspection conditions. As a result, those undergoing training can focus on the educational aspect of their visit while still being in representative conditions that are economical and safe. Having such a “living laboratory” is also incredibly useful for research tools being developed for inspection, durability modeling, and performance testing of inspectors.